Just for Today / Samo za danes

Just for Today / Samo za danes, 16. 11. 2018, Nada Žgank

After creating the solo What If (2013) and having been part of the Image Snatchers collective for the past several years, Maja Delak has gone on to choreograph a pentagram with performers from different generations. Just for Today is a seemingly slow-moving instant composition intentionally crafted to bring to view the less visible, less conspicuous materialities, embodiments, physical states. The underlying principle in the ever oscillating and re-emerging space of sound landscapes is the ongoing negotiation of different perspectives, also with the audience. It is impossible to think about moving and movement, about identity, growing up and growing older and not think in terms of the body. In an intertwinement of manifold experiences, images, and topics, some of them individual and specific and some shared by all the performers, the sense of time is revealed through the body. Ageing is always fresh; there is always another layer of dust that has to be blown off, another wrapping concealing excessive invisibilities that has to be undone… If for An Aged Woman in Mina Loy’s poem the past has come apart, the future is inexploitable, and the present pain, the makers of this performance remain upbeat when faced with the challenges of life. Life cannot be framed, but performance can be.

Just for Today – A Territory of Negotiation, Emergence, Trust, Growth, and Dance (Maja Šorli) >>

Formation and concept: Maja Delak
Collaborators and performers: Anja Bornšek, Maja Delak, Snježana Premuš, Kristýna Šajtošová, Urška Vohar
Sound design and music: Luka Prinčič
Space and costumes design: Ajda Tomazin
Dramaturg: Maja Šorli
Light design: Janko Oven
Technical support: Igor Vuk
Photography: Nada Žgank
Translations: Katja Kosi
Production: Emanat; Executive producer: Sabina Potočki
Partners: The Old Power Station Ljubljana, Pre-school Education, Grammar and Artistic Grammar School Ljubljana
Financial support: City Municipalitya Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture RS



Maja Delak po solu Kaj če (2013) in večletnem delovanju v kolektivu Tatovi podob pričenja s koreografijo pentagrama ustvarjalk različnih generacij. Samo za danes je navidezno počasna instantna kompozicija, kjer avtorice pogledu namerno izpostavljajo manj vidne, manj očitne materialnosti, telesnosti, stanja. V preminjajočem in ponovno nastajajočem prostoru zvočnih pokrajin je izhodiščni princip sprotno pogajanje in dogovarjanje različnih gledišč, tudi z občinstvom. O gibu in gibanju, občutju lastnih identitet, o odraščanju in staranju ni mogoče razmišljati ločeno od telesa. V prepletu raznolikih izkušenj, podob in tem vsake ustvarjalke posebej in vseh skupaj se čut za čas razpira telesno. Staranje je vedno sveže, vedno je treba spihati novo plast prahu, odgrniti ovoj, ki zakriva ekscesne nevidnosti… Če je za Starko v pesmi Mine Loy preteklost razpadla, prihodnost nedostopna in sedanjost bolečina, se ustvarjalke soočajo z življenjem kar se da optimistično. Bivanja ni mogoče uokviriti, predstavo pa je.

Samo za danes – teritorij pogajanja, vznikanja, zaupanja, dozorevanja in plesa (Maja Šorli) >>

Snovanje in koncept: Maja Delak
Soustvarjalke in izvajalke: Anja Bornšek, Maja Delak, Snježana Premuš, Kristýna Šajtošová, Urška Vohar
Oblikovanje zvoka in glasba: Luka Prinčič
Oblikovanje prostora in kostumov: Ajda Tomazin
Dramaturginja: Maja Šorli
Oblikovanje svetlobe: Janko Oven
Tehnična podpora: Igor Vuk
Fotografija: Nada Žgank
Prevodi: Katja Kosi
Produkcija: Emanat; Izvršna produkcija: Sabina Potočki
Partner: Stara mestna elektrarna – Elektro Ljubljana, Srednja vzgojiteljska šola, gimnazija in umetniška gimnazija Ljubljana
Finančna podpora: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS