
Technoburlesque Image Snatchers

Technoburlesque is a mute comedy of the body that mocks rigidity of social roles. It uncritically appropriates, copies and glues together femininity, masculinity, family relationships, machismo and other degenerated social roles that are unrighteous considered to be normative. When Image Snatchers totally expose themselves — and remove their social dresses layer by layer — they

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Image Snatchers Present: Mad Jakale In A Film We Havent’s Seen

The regular, modular, surprising and never constant artistic and social evenings of Image Snatchers were created in various forms of collaboration by the colleagues of the collective The Feminalz. The group started developing their working methods in 2013 and continuously refines them in the evenings of technoburlesque with new artistic contributions, comments and statements that

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Supermarket. A Modern Musical Tragedy

Supermarket – A modern musical tragedy is a show out of the ordinary, full of original songs, surreal situations, laughter and poetry. At times without words. Because what happens inside a supermarket stays just like that. Supermarket is a “non-musical” created with nine actors and a score of original songs, the sound atmospheres built with

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Just for Today / Samo za danes

After creating the solo What If (2013) and having been part of the Image Snatchers collective for the past several years, Maja Delak has gone on to choreograph a pentagram with performers from different generations. Just for Today is a seemingly slow-moving instant composition intentionally crafted to bring to view the less visible, less conspicuous

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Shame / Sramota

How to stage something as performative as shame? How to speak about that which eludes words? How to be communicative without shaming? Shame speaks through many languages. The bodies, the sounds, the music, images, and words speak out at the same time. What they want to tell lies in the overlaps and gaps between individual

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Ways of Love / Poti ljubezni

Performance Ways of Love / Une façon d’aimer researches, investigates and formulates a language of two authors with different formal backgrounds and experiences. They meet through common themes and common working process that investigates the dialectics of this particular creative collaboration. The process and the product centre on the intimacy created in this particular encounter.

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Expensive Darlings / Drage drage

Maja Delak’s eleventh performance is the first production by the newly founded Emanat (Emanat Institute). A dance piece based on the pleasure of the physical and moving, Expensive Darlings is conditioned by the quasi-institutional status of contemporary dance in Slovenia. The choreographer invited six dancers and actresses to participate in the process of exploring the

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